About Bhaav (emotions):
Our lives, interaction, the choices we make, our attitude, our actions are driven by our emotions. In this exhibition, the artists focus on myriad positive emotions - lovers, the sensitive bond between mother and child, camaraderie between sisters… the emotions that music elicits, that nature births…
About the artists:
Arvind Kolapkar: Music and the male-female bonding has always fascinated me. Rhythm and harmony that music brings is reflected in the man-woman relationship in the way they trust, respect, and cherish each other. It is my effort to amalgamate music and emotions in the frame of my canvas. It is my genuine effort to create paintings that are soothing and showcase sacred love.
Dattatreya Thombare: I call my paintings ‘emotional mindscapes’. They represent childhood memories, love of a mother and child, the bond of siblings, families, lovers… I try to delve into the various facets of human emotions always reflecting hope, optimism, and tranquillity in a unique stylistic figurative format that I have developed over the years.
Pradeesh Raman: Love is a delightful emotion and I enjoy depicting it in my paintings that follow the theme of contemporary figurative couples. Clean figures stand out as expressive black and white forms. I like to use vibrant colours to celebrate love and complement my paintings with flowers and other patterns.
Siddharth Shingade: I paint narratives. Narratives of interdependency that arises out of relationships – overt and covert. My forms and the story they are woven into arise from a rather personal language with stylised figures, looking beyond the obvious to the emotions that underlie and elicit different actions; and in this my paintings and my palettes are kind of subdued and serious.
Vishal Phasale: Lines, colours and textures define my female forms that are inspired from dances like Kathakali, Bharatnatyam and other folkdances. The hand gestures (mudrikas) and the dancer’s silhouettes convey a deep relationship between the storytelling and their body language. Through brush and palette knife, the story simultaneously unfolds the inner struggle of my muse in tandem with the outside world… two parallel universes wrought with myriad emotions.
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